UCSB Black Student Union Newsletter

Summer Updates

Happy Summer BSU family! Can you believe that we’re already halfway through the break? We have some really exciting events coming up for this next school year, and can’t wait for everyone to enjoy them! Please read below for a few Summer updates

Black Student Union News


This week is your last chance to apply to be on the committee for the next annual Afrikan Black Coalition Conference! We urge all students that want to get more involved within the community to join as a way to make this experience amazing for everyone! The deadline to apply is Thursday, August 10th!

Campus News


The External Vice President for Local Affairs Office is hiring! Students with a passion for working on projects/ campaigns geared towards community safety, housing/tenant issues, or coordinating community-bonding events within Isla Vista are highly encouraged to apply. The available positions to apply for are: Community Safety Coordinator, Resident and Housing Coordinator, and Co-Community Events Coordinator. The application deadline is Wednesday, August 16th at 11:59 P.M. For more information or further questions, you can reach out to [email protected].

Stay Connected with UCSB Black Orgs

Quote of the Week

When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.

Audre Lorde

And as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Best Regards,

Mikaila Ainsworth

Black Student Union Co-Communications Director, 2023-2024 University of California, Santa Barbara